Cooking Dinner
I worked at home even on Sunday because I have a deadline to show some web design images to a client. I hadn’t cooked for two years because I didn’t have an environment where I could cook by myself. I cooked vegetable curry and goya stir-fry for my parents. I thought cooking was good for my mental health. I hadn’t forgotten how to cook. We had dinner while watching TV. I don’t usually like watching TV but I don’t mind doing it with my family. I went to bed at 9 p.m.
The original text before the correction
- Cooking Dinner I worked at home even Sunday because I have dead line to show some web design image to the client. I haven't been cooking for two years because I didn't have environment that I cook by myself. I cooked vegetable curry, goya champuru for my parents. I thought cooking is good for my mental health. I didn't forget how to cook. We had dinner while watching TV. I don't like watching TV but I don't need to deny such custom at my family. I went to bed 9 p.m.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.