spaghetti on the pan orchid pot on the table

Calm Saturday

The weather was really changeable. It was repeatedly going backwards and forwards between rainy and cloudy endlessly. I didn’t go out even a step. I did the laundry. I wrote two book report blogs. I cooked ramen noodles for brunch. I worked for a while and then I found some terrible work done by an outsourcing partner. I regret I didn’t check his work more thoroughly. I had mapo-tofu and creamy spaghetti for dinner. I watched A Nightmare on Elm Street. I watched the secret story behind the creation of the movie so I got really interested in such an old movie. To be honest, the movie was not so good. The inside story was more useful for me. I fell asleep around 10pm.

The original text before the correction

Calm Saturday The weather was strange. It was repeating rainy and cloudy endlessly. I didn't go out even a step. I did the laundry. I wrote two book report blogs. I cooked ramen noodles for brunch. I worked for a while and then I found a terrible work by an outsource partner. I regret I didn't check his work precisely. I had mapo-tofu and creamy spaghetti for dinner. I watched A Nightmare on Elm Street. I watched secret story behind the creation of the movie so I really interested in such an old movie. To be honest, the movie was not so good. The inside story was more useful for me. I fell asleep around 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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