Buying Packaging Material

It was quite a hot day. I went to withdraw cash for rent. I usually withdraw cash separately in two transactions over two days. I visited a stationery store to get packaging material for paintings. I have to bring them to the showcase in a couple of days. I drank a beer at the bar My Way. I thought the bar owner Jannet would be working (because she fired all of the employees), but a new bartender was there. I could not catch her name, but she was nice. We talked about several things in Dutch. I asked if she watched the Olympic Games, but she did not because she hates the French. I had grilled pork with veggies and instant jasmine rice, and leftover packed pea soup for dinner. I fell asleep just before 10 pm.

The original text before the correction

Buying Packaging Material It was a quite hot day. I went to withdraw cash for rent. I usually withdraw cash separate two times(two days). I visited a stationary store to get packaging material for paintings. I have to bring them to the showcase in couple of days. I drank a beer at the bar My Way. I thought the bar owner Jannet working(because she fired all of employees) but a new bartender there. I cannot catch her name but she was nice. We talked several things in Dutch. I asked if she watche Onlypinc game but she did not because she hate Frence. I had grilled pork with veggies and instant jasmin rice, and leftover packed pea soup for dinner. I fell asleep just before 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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