laptop paintings in the room

Business Meetings

I sent an offer to a potential client via a paid job search website. The client reacted at once then had a meeting. It was quite a nice job. I prepared and sent to them a proposal by the evening. I also had other meetings. It would be a small job. As it was the end of the month, I paid 950EUR rent to the landlords. We talked about a variety of topics for 1 hour. I visited the bar My Way. It was a bit rainy. I had beer and a liqueur. Leaving there, I treated two acquaintances to beer. I had packed Asian food that I added leftover curry sauce with meat balls to. I fell asleep around 9pm.

The original text before the correction

Business Meetings I applied an offer a potential client via a paid job search websites. The client reacted at once then had a meeting. It was quite nice job. I prepared and sent to them a proposal till the evening. I also had other meeting. It would be a small job. As it was the end of the month, I paid rent 950EUR to the landlords. We talked variety of topics for 1 hour. I visited a bar, My Way. It was a bit rainy. I had beer and liqueur. Leaving there, I treated beer to 2 acquaintances. I had packed Asian food that I added leftover curry sauce with meat balls for it. I fell asleep around 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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