Scenery of central Hiroshima as seen from skyscrapers

Building My Wiki

Breakfast was gyudon at Matsuya, which was placed in the hotel that I stayed at. Suddenly, I came up with building my wiki. I usually input memos like tips on private task management tools but I want to build such systems in public spaces. I got paid WordPress theme whose price was 71 USD. I was able to build a rough frame for an hour and I was really into it; therefore, I didn’t conduct mostly clients’ work. After all, I love to proceed with my own work even it doesn’t generate any money. I had online drinking with a kind of co-worker who lives in Sapporo. I took a bath and then I thought about this and that for over an hour. I fell asleep over midnight.

The original text before the correction

Builgding My Wiki Builgding My Wiki Breakfast was gyudon at Matsuya which placed in the hotel that I stayed. Suddenly, I came up with to build my wiki. I usually input memo like tips on private task manage tool but I want to build such system on public space. I got paid WP theme that price was 71USD. I was able to build rough frame for an hour and I was really into it; so, I didn't conduct mostly clients' works. After all, I love proceed with my own work even doesn't generate any money. I had online drinking with kind of co-worker who lives in Sapporo. I took a bath then I thought about this and that for over an hour. I fell asleep over midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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