Bitcoin Market Plunge

I had no meeting but it was the last day of the month so I had a lot of tasks about account. The Bitcoin market price increased but around 4pm, it was depreciate sharply. Only half an hour later, the price decreased by almost 200,000 JPY. I just blanked out but I got the biggest profit ever. I am not sure but Dostoevsky said gambling is like throwing yourself to the air. Now, I understand what he wanted to say. In the evening, I went to the bar Stiefel. I had 4 glasses of beer. On the way home, I dropped by an ice cream shop. I got an ice cream and ate it at the bench in front of the shop. For dinner, I had discounted packed sushi and grilled salmon. I fell asleep around 10pm. The time which I am in the bed is later than before these days. I feel the time flow is faster than before for some reason.

The original text before the correction

Bitcoin Market Plunge I had no meeting but it was the last day of the month so I had a lot of tasks about account. Bitcoin market price has been increased but around 4pm, it was depreciate sharply. Only half an hour, the price had decreased almost 200,000 JPY. I just blanked out but I got a big profit ever. I am no sure but Dostoevsky said gambling is sacrifice my life for the air. Now, I understand what he want to say. In the evening, I went to the bar Stiefel. I had 4 glasses of beer. On the way home, I dropped by an ice cream shop. I got an ice cream and ate it at the bench in front of the shop. For dinner, I had discounted packed sushi and grilled salmon. I fell asleep around 10pm. I fell asleep around 10pm. The time which I am in the bed is later than before these days. I feel the time flow is faster than before for some reason.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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