Attending English Class

I was in poor condition. I had a sore throat, so I took Kakkon-to. I went to an English class at 4:10 pm and learned about the tragic history of the Getty dynasty. It was quite interesting. Afterward, I went to a yakitori bar that I had never visited before. They did not have a TV, so I felt super comfortable. I had grilled squid and sake. Then, I moved to a ramen shop. The person sitting next to me was completely asleep. The ramen shop staff asked him to leave. However, he did not move. They said, “Please pay and leave the shop. If you do not leave, we will have to call the police.” I noticed that he was wearing a wedding ring. I imagined that he might have a terrible relationship with his wife, so he did not want to go back home or something. That night, I only had a bottle of beer and some sake. It was a very small amount of drinking for me. I fell asleep around midnight.

The original text before the correction

Attending English Class I was in a bad condition. I felt sore throat so I had Kakkon-to. I went to a English class at 4:10 pm. I learned Getty Dynasty tragic history. It was quite interesting. I went to a yakitori bar which I have never visit. They have no TV so I felt super comfortable. I had grilled squid and sake. I moved to ramen shop. The person who sat next to me was completely sleeping. The ramen shop staff asked to him to leave there. However, he did not move. "Please pay and leave the shop. If you do not leave we have to calle police." I found his finger had a marrige ring. I imagine that he has terrible relationship with her wife so he does not want to go back home or something. I had only a bottle of beer and sake this night. It was very small amount of drinking for me. I fell asleep around midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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