An Apathetic Day
I woke up after 9am. I didn’t do any energetic activities. I got a report that an error occurred on a client’s website. I fixed it and explained the cause. I started dinner before 5pm. I had boiled sausages, sauteed spinach with mushrooms and bread, etc., for dinner. When I was cooking them, I saw the landlord, Jan, who was working in the garden. I admire his hard work. He looks like he’s enjoying his life from bottom of his heart. I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It was not good. In my opinion, reading books is a more useful way to spend a life. I fell asleep around 11pm. I want to sleep as long as I can.
The original text before the correction
- An Apathetic Day I woke up after 9am. I didn't do any energetic activities. I got a report that an error occured on a client website. I fixed it and explained the cause. I started dinner before 5pm. I had boiled sausages, sauteed spinach with mashroom and bread etc., for dinner. When I was cooking them, I saw the landlord Jan who was woking in the garden. I admire his hard work. He looks enjoy his life from bottom of heart. I watched The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. It was not good. In my opinion, reading books is more useful to spent our life. I fell asleep around 11pm. I want to sleep as long as I can.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.