messy things on the floor

A Sluggish Day

*Before correction

I stayed home alone. Eri went out with Jan for something at 8:30am. I had a meeting but their request was far from my profession so it was no meaning. I took a nap and then work a bit. I fill out a contract for an accountant. In the evening, I visited a bar Jhonny. The owner asked me “Where is your wife?”. I thought she is not my wife but “She went to Amsterdam”. “Nice. She would buy a Christmas gift for you, right?” What a carefree comment was. We were in a terrible situation. I had three glasses of beer. I had leftover Thai food for dinner. I fell asleep before 9pm.

The original text before the correction

A Sluggish Day A Sluggish Day I stayed home alone. Eri went out with Jan for something at 8:30am. I had a meeting but their request was far from my profession so it was no meaning. I took a nap and then work a bit. I fill out a contract for an accountant. In the evening, I visited a bar Jhonny. The owner asked me "Where is your wife?". I thought she is not my wife but "She went to Amsterdam". "Nice. She would buy a Christmas gift for you, right?" What a carefree comment was. We were in a terrible situation. I had three glasses of beer. I had leftover Thai food for dinner. I fell asleep before 9pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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