A New Bartender

I prepared an application for TARO prize. My idea has been completed so it was not so hard but dull. I went to a supermarket then I was going to back to my house without going to bars but I didn’t want to go back; therefore, I visited the bar My Way. There was a new young female bartender. I ordered a beer but she asked me to speak English. She just came to the Netherlands less than a week ago for her education. The bar owner said, “We will hold a competition. In 2 months, which person can speak Dutch more fluently? I have to surrender. She must improve her Dutch quickly. I had discounted packed Asian dish and simmered tofu for dinner. I fell asleep around 10pm.

The original text before the correction

A New Bartender I prepared an application for TARO prize. My idea has been concleted so it was not so hard but dull. I went to a supermarket then I was going to back to my house without going to bars but I didn't want to go back; therefore, I visited the bar My Way. There was a new young woman bartender. I ordered a beer but she asked me to speak English. She just came to the Netherlands less than in a week for her education. The bar owner said "We will hold a competition. In 2 months, which person can speak Dutch more fluently." I have to be surrender. She must be improved her Dutch quickly. I had discounted packed Asian dish and simmered tofu for dinner. I fell asleep around 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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