A Nail Salon

Korea is renowned for its thriving beauty industry. I made an appointment at a nail salon. It was my first time visiting to care nails. I am an old-fashioned person, so I thought such a shop is for only women. However, it was fun. I understand how people feel about beautifying their nails. The cost was only 13 euros. I went to a bar, called izakaya. I found that Korean izakaya don’t offer many small portion dishes like Japan. I assumed that Korean people don’t go there alone. I fell asleep around 10pm, but I woke up before 2am. My body clock is still out of sync.

The original text before the correction

A Nail Salon Speaking of Korea is popular beauty related industry. I made an appointment for a nail salon. It was the first time visiting to care nails. I am an old fashioned person, so I thought such a shop is for only women. However, it was fun time. I understand how people feeling being beauty own nails. The cost was only 13EUR. I went to the bar, called izakaya. I found that Koreans' one don't have many small portion dishes like Japan. I assumed that Korean people don't go there alone. I fell asleep around 10pm but I woke up before 2am. My body clock condition is still under the weather.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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