A Long Sleeping Day

I woke up around 9am. I slept well. I discussed invoices with a staff member. After 3pm, I visited a bar My Way. I had 2 glasses of beer and bitterballen. I recorded my voice as part of an art project. I changed the phrase from “I ate x” to “I am eating x”. It should be said with food in my mouth. The bill was less than 10EUR. I had leftover packed rice, stir-fried vermicelli, grilled salmon, and tomato soup with noodles. While I was having dinner, Jan knocked my room’s door. He passed me a brochure which was visit artist studio by bicycle. I retired for the day just after 8pm.

The original text before the correction

Long Sleeping Day I woke up around 9am. I slept well. I discussed with a staff member about invoices. After 3pm, I visited a bar My Way. I had 2 glasses of beer and bitterballen. I recorded my voice as an art project. I changed the phrase from "I ate x" to "I am eating x". It should be say with food in my mouth. The bill was less than 10EUR. I had leftover packed rice, stirred vermicelli, grilled salmon, and tomato soup with noodles. During I had dinner, Jan knocked my room's door. He passed me a brochure which was visit artist studio by bycycles. I retire for the day just after 8pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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