familiy photo at dutch familys house in Utrecht

A Long Journy

I went out at 9am to go to Utrecht with Jan, Janin and Eri. It was a frozen day so the ground was slippery. There was under construction for train so we had to transfer several times. We arrived there after 10am. We visited Jan’s daughter Afra’s house. Jan showed me their kids’ rooms and a bedroom. The three storied house was renovated by them. I was astonished by their DIY soul. It was functional and modernized. They provided us with brunch, like veggy soup, bread and so on. It was the first time investigating Dutch’s eating way. They abundantly spread butter and jam on the bread, even infants. I was concerned about health. After that, we walked the local area. We said good bye to Afra at a flower market. 4 people remained, then visited Nijntje Museum and a music box museum. We joined an explanation tour for music boxes. It was more interesting than I expected. Jan suggested us to have dinner but Eri and I were too tired to have dinner so we had just fries at a small shop. On the way home, Eri left and lost gloves which she borrowed from Janin but Jan said it is not a problem. We came back home after 9pm. Eri felt a headache so she went to bed at once but I drunk and ate leftover Thai food. I fell asleep after 11pm.

The original text before the correction

A Long Journy I went out at 9pm to go to Utrecht with Jan, Janin and Eri. It was a frozen day so ground was slippery. There was under construction for train so we had to transfer several times. We arrived there after 10am. We visited Jan's daugheter Afra's house. Jan showed me their kids' rooms and a bed room. The three storey house was renovated by them. I asnonished their DIY soul. It was fanctional and modernized. They provided us branch, like veggy soup, bread and so on. It was the first time investigating Dutch's eating way. They abundantly spread butter and Jam on the bread even though infants. I concerned their health. After that, we walked local area. We said good bye Afra at a flower market. 4 people ramained then visited Nijntje Museum and a music box museum. We joined an explanation tour for music boxes. It was interesting than I expected. Jan suggested us to have dinner but Eri and I was too tired to have dinner so we had just fries at a small shop. On the way home, Eri left and lost gloves which rent by Janin but Jan said it is not a problem. We came back home after 9pm. Eri felt headache so she went to bed at once but I drunk and ate left over Thai food. I fell asleep after 11pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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