A glass of beer at the bar in the Netherlands

A Hectic Day

I woke up before 6am. I got a lot of annoying messages from a client. I did some urgent tasks till past noon. I got exhausted but I painted for a while. At 2:30pm, I gave an online lesson. At 4pm, I had a business meeting with a future client. Looks like I get in good with him. After that, I researched an application to fulfill his requirement. Before 6pm, I left home and I visited a store to get white bread. I went to a bar. I got two types of beer. They were about 10EUR. I cooked pork steak and fried rice for dinner at home. While eating dinner, I watched The Nakid Director via Netflix. I fell asleep around 10pm.

The original text before the correction

A Hectic Day I woke up before 6am. I got a lot of annoying messages from a client. I did an urgent tasks till after noon. I exhausted but I painted for a while. At 2:30pm, I gave an online lesson. At 4pm, I had a business meeting with a prospective client. Looks like I had hooked him. After that, I researched an application to reach his requirement. Before 6pm, I left home and I visited a store to get white bread. I went to a bar. I got two types of beer. It was about 10EUR. I cooked pork steak and fried rice for dinner at home. While eating dinner, I watched The Nakid Director via Netflix. I fell asleep around 10pm.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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