A Cool Day
It was a cooler day than the previous day. I didn’t have many messages from clients. Phew! I got a message from Jan who had fixed my bike’s flat tire. I went to a store at once and got a pack of 10 ice creams and strawberries for him to show my appreciation. I painted for a while. I did some work for a client. I stopped work around 6pm. I went to a bar. I met the bar owner, Johnny’s son. He was nice guy. I met his girlfriend, too. She is going to study at Waseda University in Japan this September. I had stir-fried veggies, spaghetti, and croissant with cheese. I fell asleep around 10:30pm.

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.