The Last Night of Johnny’s Cafe

I woke up around 11 am. I went shopping, and while walking to the supermarket, I recorded a voice blog. I received a new iPhone 13, but its condition was terrible.It had many scratches and dents. It was a second-hand one, but the description said “good condition.” The price was 399 EUR. I could not understand how foreign people set their value standards. In the evening, Eri and I went to Johnny’s Cafe. We gave flowers and a small gift to the bar owner couple. It was super packed. A gay man who works in the army gave us drinks. We then moved to the bar Stiefel, where we got many drinks from other regular customers. It was a fun night. We returned home and cooked some vegetables and pork for dinner. I went to bed just after midnight.

The original text before the correction

The Last Night of The Johnny's Cafe I woke up around 11 am. I went to shopping and during walking to a supermarket, I recorded for my voice blog. I received new iPhone 13 but the condition was terrible. It has many scruch and bend. It was sencond hand one but the explain was "good condition". The price was 399 EUR. I could not undestand foreign people's value setting. In the evening, Eri and I went to Johnny's Cafe. We gave flower and a small gift to the bar owner's couple. It was super packed. A gay man, who works at Army gave us drinks. We moved to the bar Stiefel. We got many drinks from other regular customers. It was fun night. We returned home and then cooked some veggies and pork for dinner. I went to bed just after midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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