a man is eating dinner at front of the window

A Dull Day

A potential client has declined my offer. Sucks! I couldn’t believe their decision. I worked until after 3pm then didn’t go out even a step. I started dinner at once. On such a terrible day, we should call it a day as soon as possible. Eri cooked me falafel and sauteed avocado with shrimps. We watched M-1 Grand Prix 2001, 2002, and 2003 over the past several days. The event is beyond just comedy. It is similar from the National High School Baseball Championship. I can imagine every comedian’s crazy efforts. I went to bed after 7pm. It was too early to sleep but I could fall into a dream smoothly.

The original text before the correction

A Dull Day A potential client has been decliened my offer. Sucks! I couldn't believe their decision. I worked after 3pm then didn't go out even a step. I started dinner at once. In the terrible day, it should be closed the day as soon as possible. Eri cooked me falafel and sauteed avocado with shrimps. We watched M-1 Grand Prix 2001, 2002, and 2003 in past several days. The event beyond just comedy. It is similar from the National High School Baseball Championship. I think every comedian's crazy efforts. I went to bed after 7pm. It was too early to sleep but I could be into a dream smoothy.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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