Smelly fish dish and chap stick

An Artistic Day

I missed both breakfast and lunch. I finished a new Bento painting. Furthermore, I wrote a new section for book publishing. Totally, I have been writing over 120,000 characters. I spent over 2 years on it. I sent it to the editor. Publishing of my first book is coming soon. My dreams will come true. After 5pm, I went to a supermarket, then I got discounted packed marinated white fish. I sauteed it on the pan but it was disgusting. It had a bad ammonia odor. I couldn’t finish it so I had to dump. I’m very sorry for the fish but you are stinking. I fell asleep around midnight.

The original text before the correction

An Artistic Day I skipped both breakfast and lunch. I finished a new Bento painting. Furthermore, I wrote a new section for book publishing. Totally, I have been writing over 120,000 characters. I spent it for over 2 years. I sent it to the editor. Publishing my first book is coming soon. My dreams would come true. After 5pm, I went to a supermarket then I got discounted packed marinated white fish. I sauteed it on the pan but it was disgusting. It had bad ammonia odor. I couldn't finish it so I had to threw away. I'm very sorry for the fish but you are stinking. I fell asleep around midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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