Korean foods bibimbap on the table in the US

Killed Fly

After fucking work, I went to a Korean restaurant to pick up my order. I had Bibimbap after a long time. There were lots of small dishes with it. It was only $8 because there was a $7 discount. Anyway, when I ate it for dinner, there was a fly. It was quite annoying. I made a trap to catch it by plastic cup. In a few minutes later, the fly flew into it. I closed the entrance of the trap. The fly had been searching for an exit. He/she died by suffocating finally. I felt poor and indescribable sympathy for it.

The original text before the correction

Killed Fly After fucking work, I went to a Korean restaurant to pick up my order. I had Bibimbap after a long time. There were lot of small dishes with it. It was only $8 because there was $7 discount. Anyway, when I ate it for dinner, there was a fly. It was quite annoying. I made a trap to catch it by plastic-cup. In a few minutes later, the fly into it. I closed the entrance of trap. The fly had been searching an exit. He/she was died by suffocating finally. I felt poor and indescribable sympathy on it.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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