Single person's poor dinner in USA

Prayer for My Loved Ones

I pray every morning for my loved ones. First, Thank God for giving me yesterday. Thank God for giving me a new day, too. I hope I’ll be able to have suitable experience for myself. Next, I’ll pray for Eri. I wish she could live with herself. Third, thanks to my parents. I hope they can live with full of variable experience until the end of their lives. Last, I pray for my sisters and their families’ happiness but it means isn’t just a piece of luck. Anger, sadness, misery, and more are also including happiness. Anyway, I had last night’s leftover Chinese dish for dinner, so I didn’t spend even one cent.

The original text before the correction

Pray to My Love I pray every morning to my loves. First, Thanks God for giving me yesterday. Thanks God for giving me a new day, too. I hope I'll be able to have suitable experience for me. Next, I'll pray for Eri. I hope she could live along very her. Third, thanks my parents. I hope they can live with full of variable experience until the end of their life. Last, I pray my sisters and their families' happiness but it means isn't just a luck. Anger, sadness, miserable etc are also including happiness. Anyway, I had last night's leftover Chinese dish for dinner. So, I didn't spent even one-cent.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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