Joining an Autumn Festival

I woke up around 4 am and quickly went through my daily routine. Then, I went to the community hall with my mom. I participated in carrying the Mikoshi (portable Shinto shrine). It was much harder than I expected because it was too heavy, and the route was too long. There were many foreign participants from the Iwakuni US military base. Festival volunteers prepared curry rice for lunch. I had a small portion and then went home to brush my teeth. The Autumn Festival continued until 6 pm During that time, I saw my old classmate who used to be a total punk, but now he is a local community leader (I have never liked him). It gave me a strange feeling. Anyway, I was completely exhausted. We moved to the Community Cultural Center for a party. I had beer and snacks. After 8:30 pm, I returned to the community hall with other members. I had more beer, sake, and delicious food. It was a fun time. After coming back home, I had ramen. I talked to my mom about meeting my old classmate at the event. I finally fell asleep just before 2 am.

The original text before the correction

Joinning a Autumn Festival I woke up around 4 am and then I did my daily routine quickly. I went to a meeting place with my mom. I joined briging Mikoshi (portable sinto shrine). It was far from my expectaion because it was too heavy and too long way. There were lot of foreign participants from Iwakuni US military base. A festival volunteer people prepared curry rice for lunch. I had it for small portion then came back home to brush my teeth. In the end, The Autumn Festival was continued until 6 pm. During that time, I found my class mate who was a perfect punk kid but now, he was being a leader for a local area (I have been dislike him). It made me strange feeling. Anyway, I completely exhausted. We moved to a Community Cultural Center to have a party. I had beer and snacks. After 8:30 pm, I moved to the starting point, the meeting place with other members. I had many beers, sake, and nice foods. It was fun time. After I came back home, I had ramen noodles. I talked with my mom that I met my old classmate at the event. I fell asleep just before 2 am.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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