Returning to Japan

I woke up at 3 am. I set many alarms, but I was able to wake up without them. I headed to Incheon Airport by Uber. It was still dark outside. I took a flight at 7:55 am and arrived at Hiroshima Airport just after an hour. I came back to my parents’ house around 11 am I had cold udon noodles with my parents for lunch. I found a letter from the tax office about my company’s final tax return. I called them. I thought the procedure would be complicated, but it was easy. I was relieved about it. I visited Hono-yu, a local hot spring. It was nice as usual. I took a short nap and then visited Nagami bar. I had a fantastic time. I enjoyed sashimi, sake, and more. Japanese bars are the best in the world. I continued drinking at home. I talked with my mom about several things. I fell asleep before midnight.

The original text before the correction

Returning To Japan I woke up at 3 am. I set many alarms but I was able to wake up without alarms. I headed to Incheon airport by Uber. Outside was still dark. I took an airplan at 7:55 am. I arrived Hiroshima airport only an hour plus. I came back my parents house around 11 am. I had cold udon noodles with my parents for lunch. I found a letter from tax office about my company final tax return. I called to them. I thought the precedure must be complicated but it was easy. I relieved about it. I visited Hono-yu local hot spring. It was nice as usual. I took a short nap and then visited Nagami bar. It was fantastic time. I enjoyed sashimi and sake and so forth. Japanese bar is the best in the world. I continued drinking at home continuously. I talked with mom several things. I fell asleep before midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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