Do Not Go Anywhere

My physical condition has improved. Literally speaking, I thought I was going to die, so I was relieved when I felt better. I had half of a chocolate croissant in the morning. I asked ChatGPT if coffee is bad for the liver. He said that it is rather good. I did the laundry because I had sweated a lot, so I changed all the bed covers. I cooked an omelette, and I turned the leftover soup into hashed beef. I went to bed before 9 pm, but I think I fell asleep around midnight. I did not feel much pain. I felt the happiness of being healthy.

The original text before the correction

Do Not Go Anywhere My body condition has been improved. Literally speaking, I thought I would have die so I was releived about it. I had half of chocolate croissant in the morning. I asked if coffee is bad for lever to ChatGPT. He said that will be rather good. I did the laundry because I had a lot of sweat so I changed all of bed covers. I cooked omrette and I chaged leftover soup into Hashed beef. I went to bed before 9 pm but I fell asleep around midnight, I think. I did not feel much pain. I felt happiness of healthy.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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