Drinking at the Rooftop Bar

I woke up around noon. I ordered beef pho for breakfast through Grab. It included various vegetables and tasted good. I took a nap until the evening. Eri and I went out to a bar by Grab taxi. It was evening rush hour, so the taxi got stuck in traffic. We visited Bot Craft Beers Rooftop. They have nice tap beers. I had three glasses of beer and taro potato salad. The scenery was good, but the place was too hot. We stopped by a supermarket and got some dishes for a late-night meal. I had a headache for some reason, so I took some medicine. I fell asleep just after midnight.

The original text before the correction

Drinking at Roof Top Bar I woke up around noon. I ordered beef pho for breakfast throught Grab. It was included verious vegetables. It was good taste. I took a nap until evening. Eri and I went out a bar by Grab taxi. The time was evening rush hour so the taxi was stacked. We visited Bot Craft Beers Rooftop. They have nice tap beers. I had three glasses of beer and taro poteto salad. The scenery was good but the place was too hot. We stopped by a supermaket then got some dishes for late night meal. I had felt headache for some reason so I took a medicine. I fell asleep just after midnight.
Tomoni Shintaku artist photo

Contemporary artist based in the Netherlands. I’ve learned at an Art College and Culinary Institute. I attempt to connect ART and FOOD.

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